

Events Completed (August 2020)
Staff Orientation Programme - August 1, 2020
Organized by
Department of Visual Communication, Media Arts and BMM Animation
Loyola Alumni Day - August 2, 2020
Students' Orientation Programme
Inaugural Prayer Service - August 3, 2020
Students' Orientation Programme - August 3 to 7, 2020
Staff Virtual Farewell - August 4, 2020
Organized by
Department of Visual Communication, Media Arts and BMM Animation
Academic Staff Orientation - August 8, 2020
Webinar on "Environmental Concerns in India Today" - August 10, 2020
Organized by
Institute of Dialogue with Cultures and Religions [IDCR] &
Entomology Research Institute (ERI)
74th Independence Day Celebrations - August 15, 2020  { Report
World Photography Day 2020
Lenzation 2.0 - A Virtual Expo - August 19, 2020

Organized by
Department of Visual Communication
Virtual Training Session - August 22 & 23, 2020
Organized by Training & Placement 
Classes for First year Undergraduate Students
commenced on August 26, 2020
PG Online Entrance Test - August 26, 2020
A Virtual Talk on The Enduring Relevance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr - August 28, 2020
Organized by
Department of English