


LIFE is an interdisciplinary and collaborative research institute in Loyola College started by Rev. Dr. Francis Xavier, S.J, in 1995 with a team of six like-minded Professors from Chemistry, Physics and Zoology. The basic tenet of LIFE is border-less, collaborative, and interdisciplinary research in science with a balance between pure and applied sciences with the ultimate view of translating the fruits of research for improving the quality of life of the society. The thrust areas are: Energy, Environment, Material Science, Bioethics, Awareness Education to Students and the Masses.

Today, 11 voluntary faculties from the departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Life Sciences are engaged in active research with 36 research scholars pursuing Ph.D. besides a number of M.Phil. and M.Sc. project students. It is recognized as one of the Centers of Excellence in Loyola and also one of the two research institutes of Loyola enjoying the benefit of 175% tax-exemption.

LIFE's immediate focus is to consolidate its activities in interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects among its own members first and then finding collaborative partners with other institutions in Loyola Campus such as Entomology Research Institute (ERI), LOYOLA-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET) and Loyola Institute of Business Management (LIBA)


Dr M Selvanayagam

Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy (LIFE),
Loyola College (Autonomous),
Chennai - 600 034.
Tel: +91 44 28178332
Fax: +91 44 28175566