Loyola College



2008 and previous batches:

No minimum marks in the Continuous Assessment Tests Passing mark in the Semester Examination : 35%

N.B : The required minimum the aggregate of C.A. & S.E. is 40% 
        - 45% in C.A. is ideal 

2009 batch onwards the following rules are applicable:

No minimum marks in the Continuous Assessment Tests Passing mark in the Semester Examination : 40%

N.B : The required minimum the aggregate of C.A. & S.E. is 40% 
        - 40% in C.A. is ideal


2008 and previous batches:

No minimum marks in the Continuous Assessment Tests Passing mark in the Semester Examination : 45%

N.B: The required minimum the aggregate of C.A. & S.E. is 50%
        - 55% in C.A. is ideal

2009 batch onwards the following rules are applicable:

No minimum marks in the Continuous Assessment Tests Passing mark in the Semester Examination : 50%

N.B: The required minimum the aggregate of C.A. & S.E. is 50%
        - 50% in C.A. is ideal

Continuous Assessment consists of two written tests on the dates notified in the College Calendar, and a third component as decided by the department.

Both Continuous Assessment and Semester Examination marks have 50% weightage.


Rev. Dr. A. Irudaya Raj SJ

Controller of Examinations,
2nd Floor, JD Block,
Loyola College (Autonomous),
Chennai - 600 034.
Tel: +91 44 2817 8305