Loyola College


Rules regarding writing arrears

Every Semester, two or three weeks prior to the date of submission of semester exam applications, the list of courses offered by the department in that semester will be published in the departments. Students are advised to apply only for those courses. During the odd semesters, I, III and V, only regular papers will be offered. Students who have arrears in any of the subjects under these semesters can write only those papers. During the even semesters, II, IV and VI, all the six semester papers will be offered.

All the students are required to sign the Continuous Assessment Mark sheets. Requests for correction in C.A. marks after the date for signing WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.

Applications for Semester Examinations are distributed through the departments. After paying the prescribed fees at the College Bank, STUDENTS SHOULD SUBMIT THE SAME IN THE COE’S OFFICE ON OR BEFORE THE PRESCRIBED DATES. Applications submitted after the due dates WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

The exams in the arrear papers will be offered to a student for a maximum of three years from the end of his/her course. If a student does not complete within those three years either he/she should write a paper which is certified by the HOD of the concerned Dept. as equivalent, or should take it as a special paper only during II, IV & VI Semesters.

Rules for Improvement of Marks

Examinations for Improvement will be allowed only in Semester Papers.

Examination for Improvement should be taken up on the next first chance when the paper is offered.

Mark sheets for the Semester I, II, III, IV and V will be distributed to the Parents on a notified date with in three weeks from the publication of results, in the departments, on prior intimation of the dates for the same. For the VI Semester, the mark sheets will be distributed to the students within three weeks from the publication of results in the COE’s office.

Consolidated Certificates of Marks

These Certificates will be issued to students who have successfully completed all their papers, usually in the first week of July every year.

However, students who need Course Completion Certificates, before getting the Provisional Certificates from the University, may apply to the Controller’s Office and get the same the following day.

Parents and Students are welcome to meet the Controller of Examinations for any clarification or grievance. 

Rev. Dr. A. Irudaya Raj S.J.
Controller of Examinations
Ph: 91 44 28178305  


Dr. L. Selvanathan
Dr. M. George Johnson

Assistant Controller of Examinations
Ph: 91 44 28178305  



Rev. Dr. Louis Arockiaraj S.J.
Ph: 91 44 28178301



Rev. Dr. A. Irudaya Raj SJ

Controller of Examinations,
2nd Floor, JD Block,
Loyola College (Autonomous),
Chennai - 600 034.
Tel: +91 44 2817 8305