
The Ignatian Year

Opening of the Ignatian Year

From Profession to Purpose:
Discern your authentic self in the new normal

To our IAJU family,

We begin today, May 20th, to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the wounding of Inigo de Loyola at Pamplona, and the beginning of his interior journey to find God in all things. His conversion led him to discover his true and authentic calling and to the founding of the Society of Jesus. This newsletter launches our own celebration and journey as we spend this year in events and programs designed to help us identify our own moments of conversion and discovery of God's call to each of us and our work together in higher education. We pray that St. Ignatius will guide us as we move from a commitment to our profession of education of young people to a deeper sense of our purpose, that is, to make all things new in Christ.

Michael J. Garanzini, SJ,
Secretary for Higher Education
